Historically, housework has largely been undertaken by women. As times progress, the balance is becoming much more equal, but what does it mean for the cleaning industry?
Well, a new gap in the market has developed for cleaning products marketed specifically towards young men.
There is a strong argument that the cleaning process is entirely gender neutral; that there is no need for products to be classed as feminine or masculine when their purpose (i.e. cleaning) is identical.
But will this be the case? Or will new cleaning products arrive which specifically target young men?
Let’s take a look at what the answer may be, in a number of different areas:
Cleaning gadgets have seen a recent surge in popularity.
Wireless vacuum cleaners enable new levels of mobility. Roombas, roaming robotic vacuum cleaners, make it possible to start our cleaning routine and then simply forget about it.
New ‘smart home’ features enable us to control aspects of our home from our smartphones or tablet devices, allowing us to keep our homes in order, without us even having to be present.
The appeal of gadgets and technology has been noticed by the cleaning and lifestyle industries, making it likely that smart cleaning products will become a fixture throughout all of our homes in the near future.
Notably, gadgets can help cleaning to become more game-like, which is considered to appeal to younger people, and to younger men especially.
All the possibilities for technological innovations to deliver increased ease and efficiency with regards to household cleaning routines, mean that gadgets are an exciting addition to the industry, and one which may particularly interest males.
Now, men and women can arguably gravitate to whatever colours they like best, without any stigma attached. But in marketing, there is a still a perception that certain colours are more likely to attract female consumers and others will attract men.
Many cleaning products are in vibrant, colourful hues. The drive to attract younger men may see a shift towards more muted, sleek, and darker colours.
Floral or citrus scents have always been especially popular in cleaning products. There is now a greater range of choice than ever before — including in hypoallergenic ranges that are designed to not aggravate sensitive conditions.
The move to attract younger people, and young men especially, is expected to result in an even greater range of fragrances which may include woody, earthy, and spicier notes.
Convenience and time effectiveness are concerns for everyone. But for younger consumers in particular, studies have shown that quick solutions are always favoured.
The newest cleaning products marketed towards men and young people will likely prioritise speed, ease of use, and effectiveness.
On the other hand, another way to achieve greater results and convenience in your household cleaning routine, is to hire a professional!