Transport is a rapidly changing industry. With governments, businesses, and individuals keen to make environmentally-friendly choices, transport could easily get left behind. But it doesn’t have to!
The way we drive, the way we travel, and how we use transport all has an impact, but we can help to ensure that impact is positive.
The transport industry has seen a shift towards cost-effectiveness, accessibility, and environmental awareness. Read on to discover some of the ways that you — and your business or employees — can make the most of this!
1. Go Remote: Minimise Transport & Travel
While it may not be an option for everyone, many businesses, employees, and freelancers have made the switch to working 100% remotely. Others have switched to remote options for special events, or for a few days a week.
Working remotely has helped to alleviate congestion on the roads as well as to reduce air pollution. It also has the added benefit of improving accessibility for employees, clients, or customers who may be less able to travel.
Hosting events or conferences remotely and online, holding meetings over the phone or via video call, and more, are all ways to help minimise transport and travel in your business.
Whether you are an employer, an employee, or a freelancer, exploring remote working and flexible options can be a great way to stay ahead of this important trend in transport.
2. Go Green: Switch To Environmentally-Friendly Solutions
Where transport is still necessary and essential, consider making the switch to an environmentally-friendly solution. Many businesses and even governments are offering incentives to do this, in the hope it will affect a wider change.
If your budget allows, you could make the switch to an electric or hybrid vehicle — effectively saving thousands of pounds on fuel over time, as well as helping the environment.
You could also offer or suggest Walk or Cycle to work initiatives, or group travel solutions to reduce the number of cars or taxis on the road. Public transport may also be an option if social distancing measures permit.
Whatever your circumstances or role, many people are staying ahead of the curve by thinking about how they can make the most environmentally-friendly choices in their travel — even if just for one day a week.
Keeping your car well-maintained, and driving in a fuel-efficient manner, also helps!

3. Offer Or Suggest Incentives
Walk and Cycle to work initiatives are already popular in the workplace — but you could take it further. Employers could offer rewards or prizes for those who cover the most miles, for example, or you can make it fun by challenging a rival department.
Many people are also ensuring that they are taking full advantage of any tax relief or financial incentives for making environmentally-friendly decisions in their work or business. Be sure to do the same!
Saving the environment through your transport choices doesn’t have to be costly or time-consuming. It can actually save you money!
4. Enlist The Help Of Experts
These are rapidly changing times. New rules, restrictions and regulations are always coming into play, and this is also true of transport. Enlisting the help of experts in transport or logistics, for example, is saving countless businesses time, money, and fuel.
Experts stay abreast of issues such as the new rules on Brexit, for example, or any charges or discounts related to transport that you may be entitled to.
Transport is a highly changeable and important industry. Experts stay up-to-date so you don’t have to! Seeking their help can save you money, but also a lot of time, stress, and complexity.
5. Explore Rental Options
Rental options are especially popular across a wide range of areas — furniture, electronics, and now transport!
Renting a car is not only helpful for those who do not want to make the full financial commitment of owning a car. It is also especially attractive for anyone wanting to reduce their overall car usage and carbon footprint, without giving up driving altogether.
Car rental is a popular option for both individuals and businesses. They can use the car for busy travel periods but then return it when things become quiet again, without being left with a car that still needs year-round maintenance, insurance, and more.
Rental options are becoming highly popular in the transport industry — for both business and personal use. With a bit of research and consideration, you could assess whether this trend might also be a good option for you or your business!